
Prelegere: Benjamin K. Johnson Ph.D., University of Florida, USA

Dragi membri ai comunității #fspac,

Miercuri (4 octombrie), ora 18.00, amfiteatrul 101, vă invităm la întâlnirea cu:

Benjamin K. Johnson Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. la University of Florida, Statele Unite ale Americii.

Tema prelegerii sale va fi:

Relatable, independent and honest: social cues in digital content marketing.

Detalii: across social media platforms, audiences come into contact with a wide variety of messaging about brands and products. Sources range from acquainted peers to strangers to influencers to brands themselves. Yet the distinctions between these sources are blurry, and these sources all emphasize techniques for communicating their authenticity and credibility. In this presentation, Benjamin Johnson will share findings from recent experiments that examine the effectiveness of message cues about authenticity and integrity, and when and how the human element is key in digital persuasion.

Bio: Benjamin K. Johnson (PhD, The Ohio State University) is an Associate Professor of Advertising at the University of Florida. His research is focused on why and how people select and share messages in new media settings, especially as it relates to psychological processes such as impression management, social comparison, and self-regulation. He is an editor of Media Psychology and is an author of over 45 peer-reviewed publications in high-profile communication journals. Most recently, Johnson became the Interim Director of UF's STEM Translational Communication Center, an interdisciplinary research center that focuses on how to make complex science and health information accessible and useful to audiences.

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