What is FSPAC

About us
The Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences is part of Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and it is known as one of the youngest and most dynamic faculty. Since its foundation in 1995, FSPAC is trying to improve its programme courses, research programmes , infrastructure, the quality of the education and extracurricular activities.
The mission of the faculty is to form professionals in political, administrative and communication domain, trying to form a strong bond , based on efficiency and utility, between the educational process and the labour market.
The professoral corp is formed from a young team, that met at the faculty and perfected themselves at prestigious Universities from Europe and USA. The academic offer form FSPAC offers quality education that successufully combines the didactic, research and extracurricular activities with the formal and non-formal education. Therewith, our students are encouraged and supported to develop their skills, gained during the semesters through internships unfolded at multiple local, regional or national institutions.