
In memoriam: Lőrincz József


Departamentul de Științe Politice anunță cu adâncă tristețe trecerea în neființă a colegului József Lőrincz. Domnul profesor Lőrincz ne-a arătat tuturor cât de important este să ne aprofundăm continuu înțelegerea, să ne punem întrebări, să ne îndoim permanent. Ne va lipsi enorm dedicația și experiența lui. Suntem alături de familia îndurerată și de prieteni. Odihnească-se în pace!


A Politikatudományi intézet mély megrendüléssel tudatja kollégánk, Lőrincz József hirtelen halálát. Lőrincz tanár úr mindnyájunknak megmutatta, hogy mennyire fontos mindig megkérdőjelezni a rendíthetetlennek tünő igazságokat, folyamatosan mélyíteni tanulmányainkat, újragondolni gondolatainkat. Nagyon fog hiányozni bölcsessége és diákjai iránti elhivatottsága. Őszinte részvétünket fejezzük ki a gyászoló családnak és a barátoknak. Nyugodjék csendesen!


It is with great sadness that the Political Science Department announces the passing of our colleague, József Lőrincz. We will dearly miss his wisdom and his dedication to his students. Professor Lőrincz was an inspiration for us in his unwavering commitment to knowledge, challenging his fellow colleagues and students to deepen and always question their thinking about politics and policy, especially the role and the limits of ethics. Our thoughts are with his grieving family and friends. May he rest in peace!

Credit foto: Antónia-Kamilla Gáspár