Open Access

Open Access

Ducu V. (2018) Two Perspectives on Family Life Through the Lens of Lodging Type.
In: Romanian Transnational Families. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Ducu V. (2018) Romanian Children in Multiple Worlds.
In: Romanian Transnational Families. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Ducu V. (2018) Afterword: Gender Practices in Transnational Families.
In: Ducu V., Nedelcu M., Telegdi-Csetri A. (eds) Childhood and Parenting in Transnational Settings. International Perspectives on Migration, vol 15. Springer, Cham.


Scutaru B. Childhood memories of belonging among young Romanian migrants in Italy: A qualitative life-course approach
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Childhood memories of belonging among young Romanian migrants in Italy: A qualitative life-course approach - Beatrice Scutaru, 2021 (


Palash P., Baby-Collin V. (2021) Puzzling Social Protection across Several Countries: Opportunistic Strategy or Risky Compensation?.
In: Ryndyk O., Suter B., Odden G. (eds) Migration to and from Welfare States. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham.
Puzzling Social Protection across Several Countries: Opportunistic Strategy or Risky Compensation? | SpringerLink


Baldassar, R. Wilding, P. Boccagni & L. Merla (2017) Aging in place in a mobile world: New media and older people’s support networks, Transnational Social Review
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Citations: Aging in place in a mobile world: New media and older people’s support networks (


Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot & Kyoko Shinozaki (2017) Transnational perspectives on intersecting experiences: gender, social class and generation among Southeast Asian migrants and their families, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43:6, 867-884,
Full article: Transnational perspectives on intersecting experiences: gender, social class and generation among Southeast Asian migrants and their families


Tyrrell, N, Sime, D, Kelly, C, McMellon, C. Belonging in Brexit Britain: Central and Eastern European 1.5 generation young people's experiences. 
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Belonging in Brexit Britain: Central and Eastern European 1.5 generation young people's experiences - Tyrrell - 2019 - Population, Space and Place - Wiley Online Library


CEBOTARI, V. (2018), Transnational migration, gender and educational development of children in Tajikistan.
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Transnational migration, gender and educational development of children in Tajikistan - CEBOTARI - 2018 - Global Networks - Wiley Online Library


Mihaela Nedelcu & Ibrahim Soysüren (2020) Precarious migrants, migration regimes and digital technologies: the empowerment-control nexus, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Full article: Precarious migrants, migration regimes and digital technologies: the empowerment-control nexus (